Minimal Music   


forgive-me 1. forgive-me  Ave-Maria2. Ave-Mariahurdle-race3. hurdle-raceinspirational4. inspirationalwalking5. walkingwhirle6. whirle
wondering7. wonderinglittle-child8. little-childrabba9. rabbafirst-one10. first-onelullaby11. lullabyrunning-away12. running-away
round-about13. round-aboutChinese-like14. Chinese-likesauntering15. saunteringdawn16. dawnremind-me17. remind-me 

This stereo-music is made by J.C.M. Vandenberg on the computer and this was - as according to an expert -
indicative of minimal music on pentatonic basis.


This music can from   be downloaded  under the conditions  of Creative Commons (CC) by clicking the following link  JAMENDO

  J.C.M. van den Berg, Emmeloord, The Netherlands     e-mail-address:      alle rechten voorbehouden®    copyrights©